Monday, September 28, 2009

10 Uses for Aspirin

Compare this recent picture of myself and the one above.  Are there any vestiges of my babyface in this one??  The haircolor is the same--Natural!!  It gets boring from time to time and I used to dye it.  No more.  Don't have the money, time, nor the wherewithal (love that word).
I am sharing the following list of Ten Brilliant Uses for Aspirin that I got from a magazine.  It is public knowledge so I thought it would be okay.


1. Give a dead car battery a boost: When you turned the key in the ignition & your old but trusty car won't call roadside assistance but they won't be here for awhile, reach for the aspirin bottle in your purse, drop 2 tablets into the faulty battery. The acetylsalicylic acid in the painkiller will react with the battery's sulfuric acid to produce a strong enough charge to start your car!

2. Patch up pinholed walls with ease: When you have tiny pinholes/small nail holes, you can disguise these marks without having to spackle & paint. In a small bowl, crush 3 aspirin tablets into a fine powder, then add two drops of water. Stir until blended. Using a plastic spoon, apply themix to the problem spots & smooth with the back of the spoon. The thick paste will fill in & seal the holes, making them barely noticeable.

3. Lift stubborn sweat stains effortlessly: (underarm, specifically) Place 5 aspirin tablets under running water to soften them, smooth the pills over stained areas. Leave on overnight, rinse with hot water in the morning. The salicylic acid in aspirin loosens the sweat/dirt/antiperspirant residue that causes discoloration.

4. Restore & refresh faded highlights: Try this at-home fix: Mash one aspirin tablet & add it to a bottle of shampoo, then wash hair as usual. The salicylic acid in aspirin will dissolve the chlorine buildup, restoring your hair's shine in a single wash. (Worth a try!!)

5. Soothe a scratchy throat fast: To help ease discomfort, dissolve one aspirin tablet

in glass of water. Gargle with solution for 10 to 15 seconds, then swallow. Repeat following day, if needed. The acetylsalicylic acid in the pill will penetrate inflamed throat tissue & quickly numb the pain & reduce swelling.

6. Eliminate bug-bite itch--STAT: To soothe the itch, moisten the affected area of your skin, then rub an aspirin tablet over the bumps. The pill's anti-inflammatory agents will seep into the sores, reducing swelling & discomfort! This really works, I tried it!!!!!

7. Minimize pores in just minutes: To get rid of a pimple, crush an aspirin tablet in dish, add enough water to form paste. Apply mix to blemish & leave on overnight. Aspirin restricts the production of prostaglandins (unsaturated fatty acids secreted by cells that cause inflammation) while easing irritation.

8. Soften callused heels in a pinch: Mix 1 Tbs. lemon juice with 5 crushed aspirin tablets. Apply the blend to your calluses & cover with a plastic bag. Leave on for 10 minutes, then remove & rinse with warm water. The combination of the acids in both lemon juice & aspirin will exfoliate the rough layer of dead skin cells.

9. Double the life of flowers: Drop two aspirin tablets in water-filled vase before adding * the freshly cut blooms. The H20 is breeding ground for bacteria, which causes the flowers * to wilt. Aspirin decreases the pH level of the liquid, which makes it inhospitable to ** bacteria.

10. Wipe away pesky rust marks: To remove rust marks on bathroom or kitchen countertops, wet the area, then smash an aspirin tablet & sprinkle it on the mark. Let sit for 10 minutes before rubbing with a damp sponge. The acidic components in the pain reliever will loosen the iron oxide particles, while the abrsive quality of the powder will help remove any stuck-on grit. (Hm. I wonder what else this would work on.)
Enjoy your day and I hope this helps just one person and I will be happy!  Linda

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